Privacy Policy

This privacy policy governs the features, services, and information collection practices of the “Get Instant Personal Loan App” mobile application (the “App”).


The App plays no role in determining the outcome of loan approvals, issuing loans, or any terms of a loan, neither is it a brokerage company or lender of financial products itself.

The App constitutes a tool that can connect users with third-party lenders only. It does this by capturing user-entered information via a simple form, which is privately sent by the internet to a network of Lender Partners. Only lenders from this network have the power to make the decision to offer loan products, decide the terms of any given loan, and enter into a formal agreement to issue a loan.

The Information The App Collects

The App collects information that can identify a person, which is known as personally identifiable information or PII. Other information that cannot be tied directly to a person, i.e., Non-personally identifiable information (Non-PII) is also gathered in the course of using The App.

When a user wishing to take out a loan completes a loan request submission via The App, PII is collected and encrypted, before being sent to the Lender Partners. PII is captured using fields for a user’s full name, address of residence, citizenship, birth date, email address, phone number, employment status, Social Security Number (SSN), income amount and frequency, driver’s license information, homeownership, and checking account details.

The App utilizes standard online web tracking methods and “cookies” to gather Non-PII when a user opens and uses The App. Information collected in this manner may include the user’s IP address, general geographic location, type of device, language used, browser used, and what areas of The App are accessed, among other data that cannot be tied directly to an individual known person. Non-PII is used collectively for App improvement analysis. (A cookie is a file sent from a website or app that gets stored in the background of a user’s device during the course of a session, that can be accessed and used to gather Non-PII during the session and future sessions. Users are free to reject, block, and delete cookies at any time).

Non-PII collected by The App might also be distributed to Lender Partners for the purpose of analyzing collective trends in data, without revealing any PII in the process. Furthermore, Lender Partners themselves and in-app advertisers may use their own cookies in accordance with standard online practices, which too cannot be tied to a single known individual.

How The App Uses Personally Identifiable Information

Users willingly and knowingly provide PII during the course of using The App as a means to request a loan from a Lender Partner. When submitting a request, the information is made accessible by every Lender Partner in the network, but there is no guarantee a user will be connected with any one lender or connected at all. If a connection is established and a loan agreement reached, the Lender Partner may use PII for reasons such as processing the application, enforcing the loan agreement, extending further offers, and solving technical problems. PII is never used in a manner that goes beyond delivering an efficient and appropriate loan application service.

Users give their consent for the sharing of their PII and Non-PII with our Lender Partners and advertisers by installing and using The App of their own volition. This is in accordance with both state and federal law. The App itself does not have access to PII as it is encrypted before being sent to the Lender Partners. Furthermore, any further PII that is disclosed to a lender as part of their private application process is not shared with The App.

By submitting a loan request, the User consents to be contacted by any Partner Lender in the offering and administration of relevant loan products. In doing so, users also waive any right to file a claim related to communications with Partner Lenders to the FTC or any other government agency.

Sharing Personally Identifiable Information

The sharing of PII is a necessary part of delivering the loan request service as Lender Partners need it to be able to make loan approval decisions and relevant loan offers. Lender Partners might also use this PII for the purpose of improving the user experience beyond that which is possible with Non-PII.

When connected to third parties, they have their own privacy policies describing how they use and/or share users’ personal information.

The only time The App reserves the right to share PII beyond the aforementioned parties is if cooperating with a legal request or demand, such as aiding a law enforcement investigation or responding to a court order or subpoena. The App will also use PII to maintain or exercise its legal rights; to defend against any legal claims, or if compelled by law to do so; to prevent or defend against suspected and actual wrongdoing, including but not limited to fraud; or to protect or defend the rights, property, or safety of The App’s parent company, its employees, other users, or those linked to the running of The App; or to enforce its Terms and Conditions, and any other policies.


The user agrees that any initial use of The App’s loan request form is considered an automatic opt-in to allow third-party use of their PII, especially with regard to communications. However, the user maintains the right to opt-out of further correspondence by contacting any Partner Lender via reasonable means.

Links to Other Websites

The App contains numerous links to other websites and services, including web links and automatic redirections following the submission of a loan request form. Third parties maintain their own separate privacy policies and terms of use and The App does not bear any responsibility for these. Users are responsible for reading and understanding third-party privacy policies and terms of use and cannot hold The App liable for suspected or actual wrongdoing as it pertains to their breach or mishandling. If you do not agree with being shown third-party links, being automatically redirected to Lender Partners, or any of The App’s other policies regarding links to others, you can opt-out immediately by closing The App before submitting a loan request.


At any time and at sole discretion, The App may be changed, updated, fixed, or otherwise altered without prior notice. This might include but is not limited to changing or adding information, technical features, policies, terms of use, or disclosures.

Children’s Privacy

Anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to use The App, and The App does not willingly gather the data of children or anyone under 18. In many jurisdictions, it is against the law for under 18s to take out a loan. The App is not responsible for unauthorized use of its services.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption is used as a standard to protect the connections and information of app users. Any data submitted in a loan request is sent securely to Lender Partners, who are then solely responsible for its privacy once received. Users who have any concerns about a Lender Partner’s security should read their privacy policy and/or contact them directly.